The Ellsworth Foundation

OBJECT OF THE CHARITY (registered no 310090)

(1) The object of the charity is for the public benefit, the promotion of education, including social and physical education, of beneficiaries by any or all of the following means:

(a) assisting the Governors of the schools of the Foundation* to meet their respective obligations under the Education Acts, with respect to the alterations, improvements and maintenance of those schools;

(b) assisting the Governors of any other school in the area of benefit in which religious instruction is given in accordance with the doctrines of the Church of England, to meet their obligations under the Education Acts, with respect to the alterations, improvements and maintenance of that school;

(c) providing financial assistance to beneficiaries who are in need, to assist them to go on to further education or to enter into a profession, service, trade or calling while attending or on leaving school, university or other educational institution.

(d) in promoting the education, including social and physical training, of children and young persons resident in the area of benefit.

(2) In applying the income of the charity under this clause the trustees shall give preference, firstly to the schools of the Foundation* and secondly, to beneficiaries resident in the parishes of Timberscombe and Cutcombe and in that part of the parish of Selworthy known as East Lynch.

The above is taken from the Charity Commission’s document dated 17 August 2009, setting out the governance of the charity. That document also states that the trustees may exercise their power to make rules and regulations consistent with this scheme for the management of the charity.

The beneficiaries are children and young people under the age of 25 living in the area of benefit.

* The schools of the Foundation are Cutcombe Church of England Voluntary Aided First School and Timberscombe Church of England Voluntary Aided First School